A Professional Transition Process
Breathe easy and leave the rest to us. Here are a few things we’ll be doing to make the transition process as seamless as possible.

Upon receipt of a signed service agreement and 30 days prior to transition.
Homeowners Management Company will help you deliver notice of termination via certified mail or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of your current service agreement. We will reach out to the outgoing management office, confirm receipt of the notice and establish a schedule for transition of the association’s records and property.
Tip: We recommend requesting an updated management report, outlining all known projects, current status and contacts.

The final two weeks prior to transition.
Homeowners Management Company will mail a welcome packet to all members including:
A billing statement for the assessment coming due. Subsequently, coupon books or monthly statements (your choice) will be delivered to the members.
What to expect during the transition and contact information for customer service, management, billing and in case of after-hours emergencies.
Instructions for each of the online payment options. Rest assured, payments will be forwarded and applied correctly, and we will work to ensure no inappropriate late fees are billed.
Enrollment form to receive statements and other communication via email, saving HOA resources!
Your new Manager will connect with the Board President during this time to develop a plan for the first 90 days, including a site tour, preparing for the first Board meeting and introductions to key personnel.
The HMC Transition Team will arrange for the pick up of all association records/property, then review, inventory and organize the hard copy and electronic records and physical property (keys, remotes, passes, etc.). Archives will be inventoried and securely stored, immediately available if needed.
Tip: Digital scanning services are available as an optional service; prices quoted upon request.

During the first month of service.
During the first month of service, your new Manager will make arrangements to meet on-site with Board, committee members and/or service providers to tour the property together and establish clear expectations regarding management, including amenities, member compliance, property maintenance, special projects and vendor performance.
During this time your new Manager will be getting familiar with your CC&Rs and other governing documents to provide informed guidance to your Board and members. In many cases there is a backlog of items to be followed up on and we will work with the Board to identify and prioritize all that needs to be accomplished.
These priorities will be tracked and status updates communicated to the Board via the Manager’s Report at each board meeting.